
HTML Entitiy Code List

logthink 2019. 3. 21. 17:30
CharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
<&lt;&#60;Less Than
>&gt;&#62;Greater Than
&le;&#8804;Less Than Or Equal To
&ge;&#8805;Greater Than Or Equal To
×&times;&#215;Multiplication Symbol
÷&divide;&#247;Division Symbol
&minus;&#8722;Minus Symbol
±&plusmn;&#177;Plus/Minus Symbol
&ne;&#8800;Not Equal
¹&sup1;&#185;Superscript 1
²&sup2;&#178;Superscript 2
³&sup3;&#179;Superscript 3
½&frac12;&#189;Fraction ½
¼&frac14;&#188;Fraction ¼
¾&frac34;&#190;Fraction ¾
&permil;&#8240;Per Mille
°&deg;&#176;Degree Symbol
&radic;&#8730;Square Root

CharacterEntity NameEntity NumberDescription
 &nbsp;&#160;Inserts A Non-Breaking Blank Space
"&quot;&#34;Quotation Mark
©&copy;&#169;Copyright Symbol
®&reg;&#174;Registered Symbol
&trade;&#153;Trademark Symbol
&ldquo;&#147;Opening Double Quotes
&rdquo;&#148;Closing Double Quotes
&lsquo;&#145;Opening Single Quote Mark
&rsquo;&#146;Closing Single Quote Mark
«&laquo;&#171;Angle Quotation Mark (Left)
»&raquo;&#187;Angle Quotation Mark (Right)
&lsaquo;&#8249;Single Left Angle Quotation
&rsaquo;&#8250;Single Right Angle Quotation
§&sect;&#167;Section Symbol
&para;&#182;Paragraph Symbol
&bull;&#149;Big List Dot
·&middot;&#183;Medium List Dot
&hellip;&#8230;Horizontal Ellipsis
|&#124;Vertical Bar
¦&brvbar;&#166;Broken Vertical Bar

About EntityCode

The idea came from my constant need to add those hard to remember HTML entity codes, such as the copyright symbol ( © ), every time I’m developing a new website or writing a new article. Usually, I either open one of my previously done webpages and copy what I need, or I go to w3schools to search in their long lists for what I want. I don’t know if I’m the only one doing this, but I know for sure that both methods wasted my time and exhausted my eyes.

Therefore, I decided to create a website that eliminates the frustration and the wasted time caused by this simple task. I know that a full list of all the entities along with their names and codes is a must have for any web developer, but in real development scenarios only a handful of HTML symbols are actually used, so why waste time and energy trying to find what we need by reading long lists written in small hard to read fonts.

I hope that you find EntityCode helpful for your web development needs.


My thanks go to:

  • w3schools - For providing all the resources and tutorials.
  • Klaus Hartl - For his jQuery plugin for accessible, unobtrusive tabs.

EntityCode Elsewhere

My sincere gratitude and appreciation to the following people and websites that featured and reviewed EntityCode.

If you have reviewed or featured EntityCode on your website or blog, I’ll be more than happy to add it to the list, just let me know by using the contact info below.

Contact Info

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